The Art Traveller: travels in art and life

Hi readers!

Well, after four years I finally finished writing my PhD thesis!

I started it right after I finished writing my book Art History for Filmmakers. At the time the PhD seemed the best way to get to continue writing, and develop some ideas I had come up with while writing Art History for Filmmakers. And so it proved to be.

The thesis is about art history and historical films. So for four years I got to spend most of my time watching awesome movies like Meek’s Cutoff, Elizabeth, La MarsellaiseMarie Antionette and – yes, even – Braveheart as well as visit some of the most incredible art museums on the planet – like the Met, MOMA, the National Gallery, the Louvre, Prado, Gothenburg Museum of Art and many many more. What a fantastic four years it’s been.

Of course, that also meant writing a lot and although that was awesome it did mean that the purpose of my blog didn’t quite materialise. I had meant to write about art and film and travel, and blog about all of my travels but I never quite had time to do it thoroughly.

But now I’m free to do it and so I’m going to be blogging weekly with 1 or 2 articles about a trip, an exhibition or a film I found particularly interesting. I’ll be reviewing things I think are worthy of review, and offering tips or advice if I think it might be helpful. Most of my posts will be about stuff I’m seeing currently, but I will dig into my extensive photo archive and highlight stuff I have seen which made a profound enough impression on me that I want to share it.

Happy reading!

have transport, will travel!