Art Travelling in London: back to Leake Street

but …

It’s November 2020 and London is in its second lockdown. Nothing much to do and not many places to go. Winter is closing in and many people are going stir crazy.

I needed to shoot some footage of street art and graffiti so I went down to Waterloo Station on Lodon’s South Bank, to the Leake Street graffiti tunnel. I thought that, it being Friday, I might see some painters and there might be a bit of a buzz there.

The street were pretty busy with traffic as the bus cruised down from Shoreditch to Waterloo, but the sidewalks were empty. Activity picked up a bit as we approached Holborn but in the absence of anything beyond a few take-outs, there was no reason for anybody to be in town.

I walked along a near-deserted York Rd to the tunnel. It’s an overground tunnel; actually it’s the space under the railway arches (and it’s sometimes called Leake St Arches). I was a bit surprised to see that, apart from a few construction workers working on a building site accessed through the tunnel (another office and ‘luxury’ facility no doubt, yawn), it was almost deserted: there was only one artist in there.

I love the tunnel; the artwork is always changing and interesting. Have a look. Next time I go it will be completely different!

Soundtrack for the trip: Fat White Family.